We Teach You How
To Apply God’s Word
To Change Your Life
Whether you’re at work, or out with friends, or at home with family. At Contending for the Faith, we help you understand the Bible & how the scriptures can be used to change your life forever. So you can live life victoriously!

Transforming Lives.
Real change comes from the inside-out. At Contending for the Faith, we teach you how to apply God’s word to experience real change. Together, we’ll help you understand the Bible through teaching the word of God—line upon line for practical application in everyday life.

Partner With Us
With your faithful financial support, help fund our vision to foster change in more lives.
Prayer Request
Let our team of intercessors pray over you & your situation. Submit your request below.
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We would love to meet you! Come join us via live-stream or in-person. #Contend4
Service Times
When We Meet

Exhortation, Edification, & Comfort —
Sunday Morning Worship — 10am
Experience thought-provoking teaching that challenge your mind — with the word of God. These teachings can help you understand the differences between the “Traditions of Men” and the Doctrine of Christ. The word of God is alive and full of power.
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Launch Into The Deep —
Thursday Night Bible Study — 7pm
Ever have trouble understanding the Bible? Don’t worry, this is why we have Bible Study! Launch Into The Deep — takes the complexity of scripture and makes it simple enough to understand and easy enough to do. So dive right in, begin applying God’s word to your everyday life and see it transform.
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Meet Our Pastors
Pastors Lawrence and Vanessa Custard are power-packed prophetic voices that challenge the “Traditions of Men”. Their message refutes false doctrine by drawing out the intended meaning of the word of God. Their convicting messages reveal the truth that equips believers to work in ministry. (Eph 4:11-12)
Our Overseers

Contending 4: Our Vision
To restore & rebuild the waste places of society, through the knowledge and understanding of the scripture. To teach the practical application of the word of God, for everyday living.
Statement of Faith
- We believe in the triune God…The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
- We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, that he is true God and true man.
- We believe that the scriptures are the ultimate authority of the revelation of God.
- We believe that no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless they are born again.
- We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ and consists of all those who have received Jesus as their personal Saviour.
- We believe in the autonomy of the local church as self-governing, yet the local church is interdependent on the entire body of Christ for ministerial and spiritual support.
- We believe that all local churches are to be in relationship with other ministries for the purpose of advice, counsel, overnight, encouragement and help.
- We believe all local churches should be in loving, caring, fellowship with one another.
- We believe in the operation of the ministry offices and gifts – Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers as foundational ministries that transcend the local church. Also, that Jesus is the Sovereign Head of the Church and He has given gifts for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the Body of Christ without regard to ethnicity, social class or gender.
- We believe in the infilling of the Holy Ghost as a fulfillment of the promise of the Father by the initial physical sign of speaking in other tongues.
- We believe that deliverance, healing and the authority of the Believer is provided for in the redemptive propitiatory work of Jesus Christ.
- We believe that a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesses, and that seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness will bring him to a place of purpose, destiny, and experiencing prosperity in every part of his life; therefore affecting a life of sanctification and holiness.
- We believe that God wants us to be sufficient in all things having plenty for every good work and seed for sowing.
- We believe that tithing and the giving of offerings is a biblical principle and is the responsibility of every member in partnering with God and supporting the ministries/outreaches of the church.
- We believe in water baptism as an ordinance of the church.
- We believe in the observance of the Lord’s Supper as an ordinance of the Church symbolizing the death, the broken body, and the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
- We believe in the physical resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and that He ascended bodily into heaven, and is now at the right hand of the Father as our mediator, high priest, and advocate.
- We believe in the Blessed Hop, the personal, visible, imminent return of Jesus Christ.
- We believe that there shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and unjust.
- We believe in the formal, intentional and spontaneous praise and prophetic worship of Almighty God as a demonstration of corporate as well as individual acknowledgment and response to His presence and word.